Just Hit Record

This one is a touch of a ramble. But as I’m sizing up a nice list of future content surrounding “how-to” make microcasts – the first tip I offer is to just hit record.

Some link references mentioned in the above audio clip:
Seth Godin’s SUSDAT blog post
Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art

Adam Written by:


  1. July 6, 2020

    Hi Adam, again – it’s great to hear what you are thinking about but also all of the insects in Austin. The book The War of Art came up in the Akimbo Podcast course a few times. I need to read it.
    You are encouraging you listeners, to do their own microcasts. Are you planning to provide a platform for others to share theirs? If so, will you be commenting on them? This could be potentionally interesting subject for another microcast.

    • Adam
      July 7, 2020

      Yes! Love this question Stepanka. The quick answer is, that’s exactly what I envision microcast.net becoming — a site where people can post their microcast recordings. That said, I’m not sure how I want to go about getting that created just yet, so for the forseeable future, it’s likely just going to be me posting my own microcasts. And just as you mention in your comment: this will, indeed, be a great topic for an upcoming microcast. More soon!

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